Dr. Julius-Kei Kato


Most Useful Links and Materials

  1. Online Version of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible (here). This is the official translation that I use in my courses.
  2. Oxford Biblical Studies Online (here). Login through King's/UWO library when on campus.
  3. Bible Odyssey from the Society of Biblical LIterature HERE
  4. Bible Gateway. Multiple Versions of the Bible and some useful tools such as search function.
  5. The Three Worlds of the Text - by David L. Barr. From his book New Testament Story.
  6. Bible Basics (including "the 3 Worlds"). From Timothy Carmody, Reading the Bible (New York: Paulist Press, 2004), pp. 1-23. 
  7. Explanation of the "Three Worlds of the Bible" (HERE). From An Introduction to the Bible: A Journey into Three Worlds (8th Edition) by Christian Hauer and William Young.
  8. Resources on Sacred Scripture from the Spring Hill College Theology website.
  9. The Best Online Bible Tools.From ENTER website.
  10. Basic Bibliography for Biblical Studies. From ENTER website.
  11. Links from the Catholic Biblical Society of America's website


Paul: His Life and Message

  1. Structure of New Testament Letters and Epistles (from ENTER) here
  2. Pauline Chronology (from ENTER) here
  3. Paul's Associates and Co-Workers (from ENTER) here
  4. Different Websites on Paul (from NT Gateway) here
  5. Dr. Ian Elmer's commentaries on various aspects of the figure of Paul, the Apostle (through Catholica here)
  6. The Paul Page
  7. 30 Days of Paul Blog from Westar Institute
  8. Five "Quick and Dirty Rules" for Interpreting Paul from Westar Institute
  9. Who Founded Christianity: Jesus or Paul? By N.T. Wright. He argues that it was Jesus of course.
  10. Did Paul Invent Christianity? By Rich Deem. He argues that Paul was a faithful disciple of Jesus.
  11. Paul the Jew as Founder of Christianity. By James Tabor PhD. He suggests that Paul might actually be considered Christianity's founder.
