Useful links and materials for the following areas:
Early Christianity / also useful for RS3180 'Censored Scriptures'
- Internet Christian Library-Early Church Documents
- Early Christian Writings
- Fordham Internet Resources on Early Christianity
- Gnostic Society Library
- North American Patristics Society
- The "Invention of Christianity" from Catholica (Australia)
- The Ecole Initiative
History of Christianity / Catholicism (Useful for RS2218 Intro to Christianity)
- An Overview of Christian History - from the ENTER website of Felix Just
- A Summary of the History of Christianity (Küng/Kato)
- A copy of the original video recording of Küng's summary of Christian History (originally in the public domain)
- The Different Paradigm Shifts in Christianity (proposed by Hans Küng)
- Richard Holloway: The Sixth Paradigm (with an overview of Hans Kung's Five Paradigms)
- Christianity -from Britannica Academic (through Kings/Western library)
Noteworthy Sites
- Christianity -from Britannica Academic (through Kings/Western library)
- Study Theology Even if You Don't Believe in God (here). This is a good article which describes the value of studying theology as part of the liberal arts
- Theology Library from Spring Hill College's Dept. of Theology
- Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Theology