Dr. Julius-Kei Kato


Useful links and materials for the following areas:

Early Christianity / also useful for RS3180 'Censored Scriptures'

  1. Internet Christian Library-Early Church Documents
  2. Early Christian Writings
  3. Fordham Internet Resources on Early Christianity
  4. Gnostic Society Library
  5. North American Patristics Society
  6. The "Invention of Christianity" from Catholica (Australia)
  7. The Ecole Initiative


History of Christianity / Catholicism (Useful for RS2218 Intro to Christianity)

  1. An Overview of Christian History - from the ENTER website of Felix Just
  2. A Summary of the History of Christianity (Küng/Kato)
  3. A copy of the original video recording of Küng's summary of Christian History (originally in the public domain)
  4. The Different Paradigm Shifts in Christianity (proposed by Hans Küng)
  5. Richard Holloway: The Sixth Paradigm (with an overview of Hans Kung's Five Paradigms)
  6. Christianity -from Britannica Academic (through Kings/Western library)


Noteworthy Sites

  1. Christianity -from Britannica Academic (through Kings/Western library)
  2. Study Theology Even if You Don't Believe in God (here). This is a good article which describes the value of studying theology as part of the liberal arts



  1. Theology Library from Spring Hill College's Dept. of Theology
  2. Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Theology