Dr. Julius-Kei Kato

Spirituality, Peace & Justice

Useful Sites for the Course RS/SocJustce3452: Globalization, Justice, Spirituality (formerly "Liberation Theology")

  1. Liberation Theologies - Many excellent resources about various forms of liberation theology
  2. Liberation Theology - Another site with many useful resources from theologicalstudies.org in the UK
  3. A Concise History of Liberation Theology - By Leonardo and Clodovis Boff
  4. Feminist Liberation Theology - An article by Denise Ackermann
  5. Liberation Theology Today - An introductory article to liberation theology from a US perspective
  6. Vatican Document "Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation"
  7. BBC Summary of Liberation Theology: (I think this is a bit simplistic though. Just for reference

