Dr. Julius-Kei Kato


Some Useful Sites for World Religions in General

  1. Patheos on World Religions
  2. Beliefnet.com
  3. Religious Studies Web Guide (U of Calgary)
  4. Internet Sacred Texts Archive
  5. Harvard University - The Pluralism Project
  6. Princeton University - Religious Pluralism
  7. BBC - Religions
  8. Religion Facts
  9. Virtual Religion Index
  10. The Religious Studies Website
  11. Religious Tolerance (from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance)
  12. PBS - Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly
  13. Huffpost - Religion
  14. Pew Research - The Global Religious Landscape
  15. Religion News Service


Some Specific Topics

  1. [New!] Commonly asked questions about religion. (from Religion in 5 minutes 2017)
  2. About British Religion Scholar Ninian Smart including the Seven Dimensions of Religion
  3. Ninian Smart's Seven Dimensions of Religion -a Straightforward List



  1. Dr. Dale Tuggy - Youtube Lecture on Theories of Religion HERE
  2. Scriptural Reasoning
  3. Marcus Borg on Jesus and the Buddha HERE
  4. John Dominic Crossan on "Exclusivity & Particularity" in Religious Discourse HERE
  5. Alister McGrath on Religious Pluralism


Religion and Faith

  1. IMPORTANT! Faith and Religion in Canada: from the Angus Reid Institute (2015). Link HERE
  2. Stages of Faith by James Fowler as summarized in the blog 'Far from Rome' (Internet Link here / article in document form HERE)
  3. James Fowler - Stages of Faith (summary) and Scott Peck's simplified version HERE
  4. James Fowler - A Summary of his Stages of Faith - from Joann Wolski Conn (ed.), Women’s Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development. (Paulist, 1986)
