Some Useful Sites for World Religions in General
- Patheos on World Religions
- Religious Studies Web Guide (U of Calgary)
- Internet Sacred Texts Archive
- Harvard University - The Pluralism Project
- Princeton University - Religious Pluralism
- BBC - Religions
- Religion Facts
- Virtual Religion Index
- The Religious Studies Website
- Religious Tolerance (from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance)
- PBS - Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly
- Huffpost - Religion
- Pew Research - The Global Religious Landscape
- Religion News Service
Some Specific Topics
- [New!] Commonly asked questions about religion. (from Religion in 5 minutes 2017)
- About British Religion Scholar Ninian Smart including the Seven Dimensions of Religion
- Ninian Smart's Seven Dimensions of Religion -a Straightforward List
- Dr. Dale Tuggy - Youtube Lecture on Theories of Religion HERE
- Scriptural Reasoning
- Marcus Borg on Jesus and the Buddha HERE
- John Dominic Crossan on "Exclusivity & Particularity" in Religious Discourse HERE
- Alister McGrath on Religious Pluralism
Religion and Faith
- IMPORTANT! Faith and Religion in Canada: from the Angus Reid Institute (2015). Link HERE
- Stages of Faith by James Fowler as summarized in the blog 'Far from Rome' (Internet Link here / article in document form HERE)
- James Fowler - Stages of Faith (summary) and Scott Peck's simplified version HERE
- James Fowler - A Summary of his Stages of Faith - from Joann Wolski Conn (ed.), Women’s Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development. (Paulist, 1986)