Dr. Julius-Kei Kato

Spirituality & Culture

Useful links and materials for the following areas:

Spirituality in General
  1. Beliefnet. A good website dealing with spirituality, inspiration and faith. It has sub-sections which cover the different religious traditions and their particular spiritualities.
  2. Spirituality and Practice. A highly recommended website that deals with different kinds and aspects of spirituality in the contemporary world
  3. Patheos. A website dealing in many areas connected with Religion and Spirituality. This is a link to the spirituality section.


Religion & Faith
  1. IMPORTANT! Faith and Religion in Canada: from the Angus Reid Institute (2015). Link HERE
  2. Why Americans are Leaving Religion and Why They're Unlikely to Come Back. Linke HERE
Spiritual but not Religious
  1. "Spiritual, but not Religious" HERE. A landmark study by Robert Fuller (2001) that helped describe this growing phenomenon among Americans. This is an excerpt from the book through Beliefnet.
  2. The Difference between Religion and Spirituality in Society Today. A thoughtful article by Dr. Graham English which includes a discussion on Ninian's Smart's well-known "Dimensions of Religion".
  3. Pew Research Study on the Spiritual "Nones" (those who choose the 'Spiritual but not Religious' category) HERE.
  4. National Post 2012 article on 'Spiritual but not Religious' in Canada HERE.
Some Critical Perspectives about 'Spiritual but not Religious'
  1. From Rabbi David Wolpe through Time Magazine HERE.
  2. From Pastor Lillian Daniel who argues that God could indeed be found in church HERE.
  3. Some critical perspectives from the blog of Dr. David Webster HERE.
The Intersection of Spirituality and Popular Culture
  1. Hollywood Jesus. Pop Culture from Spiritual Points of View
  2. Reel World Theology  Movies reviewed from a Theological Perspective


